Every June long weekend Merriwa comes alive with market stalls, street entertainers, rides, exhibits, competitions demonstrations and the grand parade – which is headed-up by the famous Running of the Sheep in their red socks. This is a fun-packed family event that is not to be missed.
For more than thirty years the festival has honoured the great wool tradition of the region and showcased “life on the land”.
The event focusses on community, family and the rich agricultural history of the region. From its humble beginnings, the festival now attracts in excess of 6,000 visitors who are treated to traditional country hospitality.
Starting on the Friday night – with opening night celebrations – the festival runs through to Sunday morning with the traditional Bush Poets’ Breakfast followed by a Bush Poet’s Workshop.
Each year this event generates much needed funds for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and the Merriwa and District Volunteer Rescue Squad.