One of the first settlements in the picturesque Upper Hunter Valley, the town was named after the Earl of Aberdeen, a friend of early settler and British MP, Potter Macqueen.
Located on the New England Highway between Scone and Muswellbrook, Aberdeen is the first main township on the Hunter River. With more than 180 years history, the small town is steeped in Scottish heritage. One of the first settlements in the picturesque Upper Hunter, the town was named after the Earl of Aberdeen, a friend of early settler a British MP Thomas Macqueen.
The annual ‘Aberdeen Highland Games’ take place on the first weekend in July each year. The games are a gathering of pipe bands, Clans, dancers, heavy event participants, as well as state and interstate tug-of-war teams to help celebrate the Scottish / Celtic history of the Upper Hunter.
Lake Glenbawn is just a few kilometres east of Aberdeen with an abundance of fish, including, Bass, Golden Perch, Murry Cod, and Trout. The Lake is also very popular for camping, boating, skiing, and other water sports.

The annual Aberdeen Highland Games take place on the first weekend in July and has been running since 1999. The games are a gathering of pipe bands, Clans, dancers, the ‘strong man challenge’ and state and interstate tug-o-war teams to help celebrate the Scottish and Celtic history of the Upper Hunter.
Following the excitement of the games a traditional Scottish Cèilidh is held in the evening. The Cèilidh (pronounced kay-lee) is always a great night out with songs, storytelling, music and dancing, so book your tickets early.

RV Friendly Town
Aberdeen offers RV travelers short term parking at Abercairney Terrace Campsite. Free overnight parking is available for up to 24 hours and access to bins, water and covered seating is available. Potable water is also located on site and pets on leads are permitted. A dump point can be found at Taylor Park, on Macqueen Street.